Thursday, March 10, 2016

Morning Prayer -- Psalm 142 (Traditional)

Psalm 142 (143)
A prayer in time of trouble
In the morning let me know your love, O Lord.
Lord, listen to my prayer:
  in your faithfulness turn your ear to my pleading;
  in your justice, hear me.
Do not judge your servant:
  nothing that lives can justify itself before you.
The enemy has hounded my spirit,
  he has crushed my life to the ground,
  he has shut me in darkness, like the dead of long ago.
So my spirit trembles within me,
  my heart turns to stone.
I remind myself of the days of old,
  I reflect on all your works,
  I meditate once more on the work of your hands.
I stretch out my arms to you,
  I stretch out my soul, like a land without water.
Come quickly and hear me, O Lord,
  for my spirit is weakening.
Do not hide your face from me,
  do not let me be like the dead,
  who go down to the underworld.
Show me your mercy at daybreak,
  because of my trust in you.
Tell me the way I should follow,
  for I lift up my soul towards you.
Rescue me from my enemies:
  Lord, I flee to you for refuge.
Teach me to do your will,
  for you are my God.
Your good spirit will lead me to the land of justice;
  for your name’s sake, Lord, you will give me life.
In your righteousness you will lead my soul
  away from all tribulation.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,
  as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
In the morning let me know your love, O Lord.

I Miss It

I miss writing.  I don't know when I stopped or really why.  Life interferes.  Facebook is a time-suck.  Twitter just multiplies my already short attention span.  But I still miss writing.

I've been thinking alot about the types of blogs I see on the internet.  They all look so very professional now.  It's gone from being a grassroots movement to a "let's make money now!" and "boost my already big ego!!" movement.

I miss certain blogs. Thoughtful and thought provoking blogs. My feed is full of "10 Things Your Pastor Does in their Armchair Every Night!" and "Dog Church Fulfills Your Every Need!" and "Betsy Sue Winklebaum's New Baby Bump!"

I miss the open-ended conversations that blogging gave me.  I miss gentle kind conversations. I miss real dialogue and not one-sided rants about ... ANYTHING.  Your choice -- politics, religion, sex, raising children -- all the above and more.

So, here I am.  Contemplating.  Thinking.  And I hope I will be writing again.