Thursday, April 27, 2006

I received a gift today

Not of the physical type -- but I was witness to a sacred moment.

It was Dr. Hackett's last class this afternoon. We are at the end of the semester -- perhaps the beginning of the eschaton?

He expounded funeral practices in the chapel today -- a lecture of end things. He teaches with panache and dignity. -- and impecable fashion sense. Half way through the lecture, Don Saliers paused in the open doorway of Cannon Chapel before he addressed the class. After a few humorous remarks, there was a subtle change in the mood. He and Dr. Hackett stood perhaps twenty feet away and Don said, "in these few waning moments, I came to say fare thee well."

In a motion full of grace, he raised his outstretched arm holding open his hand in a dancer's gesture to Dr. Hackett. Ted reached out his hand -- and even though they were twenty feet away from one another, it was Michealangelo's hands -- God and Adam. Don said "without you, dear friend, it would have been only half the journey. Untill me meet again."

Ted could say nothing, but his eyes were bright. He just smiled that little smile he has and they looked at each other. After a moment, Don turned on his heel and left.

It was a moment before we could get back to the lecture.

The presence of God was with us.

It was sacrament.

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