I've been playing with numbers this week and doing some very basic analysis on Church Growth in north Georgia. Here is a population density map with pushpins on all the Megachurchs in north Georgia. I would say that the pattern is self-evident; there is a large concentration of Megachurches within the Atlanta area, following the population density.
You can "see" numbers and then you can SEE numbers. In this map, I can "see" how there is a corridor of growth up I-85 and another up I-75. I've also done maps on the 50 largest UMC churches in NGa, the 50 who have grown the most via membership and the 50 who have grown the most via attendance. The patterns there are also unmistakable.
I need to have the presentation finished by Monday so that it can go to committee, be reviewed and ready to go by Annual Conference mid-June.
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