Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Project Order from Chaos, Day 26. Dwelling in Chaos, Have Been I.

I have been contemplating this "Project Order from Chaos" for quite a while. I wrote more than two years ago this:
The central thesis for my "Theology of Space" is indeed this -- Unless the exterior life reflects the interior and the interior live reflects the exterior, you live in a cognitive dissonance; you are living in conflict. I have absolutely no problem spending an hour or two a day in contemplation and prayer, attending to my interior life. However, I don't spend that time working on the total exterior life; my physical shape, my grooming habits, my living spaces and my creative nature. So that will be my goal this year -- either to become a complete intellectual, spiritual and emotional slob or to get my exterior life in line with my interior.
How well have did I do with these goals?  I re-read the entire posting: I did indeed get rid of all the books in the garage.  We have worked on both estates that need to be finished.  I have continued to push to get the entire house "done."  We live in less chaos that we did BUT ... I'm not finished.  Or maybe I should say we're not finished.  Since I wrote those words, I have started homeschooling and accumulated more stuff; different stuff.  The garage has gone from a clutter level 5 to a clutter level 3.  I have pared down the amount of items in the kitchen cabinets, in the laundry room.  Our bed room and the girls' rooms have been painted and decorated.  I have organized my closet more than once.  I have made myself a place in the bedroom for study.  I have organized and moved furniture into a parsonage.

Did I accomplish my goals?  No.  But I am letting go of the "shoulda, woulda, coulda" and the guilt of it all; that's all just mental clutter.  And I will strive on to perfection.  One day, it will all be done.  The more space I make in my life, the more I can live.

Enough for now.

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