Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Prayer Bot

Version 1 is finished.
Try it out here.
I'll jazz up the html later -- to get a new prayer, refresh the screen. Sometimes the results are amusing.
Please let me know what you think.

OK, sometimes really amusing. I just got this one:

Blissful and Unearthly Yahweh, who restores our true nature - Shake On and Thumbs up our witness of faith in this world so that we may extol You forever my God and King and acknowledge you to be the Lord. In the name of Your Son, who is our Theistic Father and Mother of us all. Amen.

Blissful and Unearthly Yahweh??
Theistic Father and Mother of us all??
Shake on and thumbs up??
And it's a little run-on.

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