Saturday, August 04, 2007

Picture 201 of 365

The Burial Grounds at Fort Fredrica. There are few evident graves; only a handful of vaults are left. Charles and John Wesley did many funerals here -- it's just outside of the moat around the town of Fort Fredrica and on the Military road to Fort Saint Simons (which I think has practically disappeared by now.) The earthen works are still visible at Fredrica, but no standing buildings. There never was a real church in the town. St. James was founded outside of town, it's where Christ Church stands now and the graveyard at Christ Church is where the later burials of Fredrica were done. For years it was just a ghost town -- and it doesn't take tremendous imagination to see the small town at work. I guess the focus of growth moved onto the other end of the island, where the lighthouse and pier are. Fort Fredrica is a quiet place; the only sounds now are the cicadas.

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