Wednesday, November 05, 2008


I am not a very political person. I do vote regularly, but I usually will vote according to issues and if I like what the candidate has to say.

I really didn't have a whole lot of emotional energy tied into this election -- I had decided on my candidate (who, quite frankly, I considered a definite "lesser of two evils" -- I guess I'm picky in that I've never completely 100% agreed with a Presidential candidate!) It is indeed an historic election: sliced one way it's the first African American in office. Sliced the other way, it would have been the first woman VP. I am glad that my children can see this -- and that when I say "You can do or be anything -- only the sky is the limit" that there is truth to this statement.

What I am bemused about is the rhetoric surrounding this election; especially language that is religiously based. I do not believe that our new president is either the Messiah or the Anti-Christ. He's just a man who I hope and pray and believe wants the best for this country. He is NOT Christ incarnate again -- nor is he Satan.

I wonder why we are so ready to jump on the idea that a new president can "save us" or condemn us to perdition. First, I believe that the "salvation" job is reserved for God and secondly it is true that only WE can save ourselves. It's not up to one political figure. It's an awfully heavy burden to put on one human's shoulders to be a Messiah. Do we wish this upon anyone?

And it is a heavy burden to place upon ourselves to call any other person Satan. Is that truly what we want?

RevAnne has this to say:
So what's a Christian response? There are Christians all over the place celebrating, and Christians all over the place grieving, or worse, wasting time on anger. God is still God, regardless of who is the president. And we were fortunate to have two deeply committed Christian candidates--even if they didn't agree on some things. The cast for the next several years is set. What we can, and should, do now is to let God be God. Pray for all our leaders, that they would sense God's presence and guidance. And drop the rhetoric of hate and division. It's been a bitter campaign, with negative ads from both sides and each candidate trying to distinguish himself as the only right choice. Truth be told, either one could have been the right one...and now we will count on Obama to do his best for us, to listen to God and honor his convictions. Even if we don't always agree with them, and we won't.

Beautifully stated, Anne. Thank you.

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